Carers Allowance Change 2024: Know Eligibility & Claim Process

Carers Allowance is for the Informal and unofficial caregivers who help people in need who are suffering from some disability or injuries. The Department for Work and Pensions provides this benefit to the people who spend more than 35 hours in a week helping the people in need. The carer allowance is not means-tested, as it is an allowance. The wages and salaries of the people will not be used for the payment, they will be paid according to the time they give. 

The main aim of the allowance is to financially assist the people who devote their time in caring for needy, seniors or disabled people. In 2024, due to rising inflation the amount of the carers allowance is also set to increase. Although the carer allowance is taxable, claimants will only receive the allowance if the person they are helping receives disability benefit or a state pension. Carers must also have a minimum net income of £139 weekly. They can also qualify if they are a student devoting 21 hours weekly in their studies. 

Focal Points of Carer Allowance 2024

Article Carer allowance change 2024
Country United Kingdom
AgencyDepartment for Work and Pensions
BeneficiariesUnofficial carers who help needy and disabled people
Type of benefitTaxable benefit
Post Category Finance
Official PortalGOV.UK.

Expected Changes in the Carer Allowance in 2024

In accordance with the 2023 budget, the changes were set to take place in January 2024. But, due to an increase in cost-of-living and recession in the country, the changes got postponed. However, the government of the UK is taking the efforts in initiating the changes again. In 2024, the allowance is set to increase in April. Recipients will notice an increase in their weekly payments. 

Carers Allowance Change

The estimated increase in the allowance is 6.5%. Annually, the amount will increase to up to £4258.90. This increase in the amount shows the government’s gratitude towards the carers across the country. 

How can I claim the carers allowance?

To claim the carers allowance, claimants have to fill an online application from the official site of the government GOV.UK.. After the successful registration, it typically takes 13-15 days to process the payment. 

  1. Ways to apply for the allowance

         There are two ways to apply for the allowance:-

  1. Online: Through the online portal of the government GOV.UK., claimants can fill the application form and submit the necessary documents. It is the fastest mode of applying for the allowance. 
  1. By Post: If you want to apply offline, you can submit your application in the Universal Credit office. Before submitting, you need to get the filled form signed by the official authorities and attach the scanned copies of the relevant documents. 

2) Essential Documents 

People those who are applying for the allowance should have these below documents with them-

  1. Employment Details
  2. Bank Details
  3. National Insurance Number
  4. Payslip (if an employee is applying)
  5. Course and Expenses details (if a student is applying)

NOTE: People who are already receiving the allowance need not to apply again.  

Who can claim the carers allowance?

To receive the allowance, claimants should qualify the below eligibility criteria:

  1. Claimants are caring for a person who receives the state pension or disability benefits. 
  2. Claimants must be caring for the needy people for at least 35 hours per week.
  3. Claimants must not be enrolled in any full-time education course.
  4. Carers must be at least 16 or older. 
  5. Your weekly net income must be less than £139. 
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NOTE: It is important to note that carers who are sent by a medical institution for help or an employee in such organizations are not eligible for the Carers Allowance.

FAQs of Carers Allowance 2024

What is the weekly amount of the carers allowance?

The weekly amount of the carer allowance is £81.90. 

Who is eligible for the carers allowance?

People who provide help to needy people for at least 35 hours in a week. The carer providing care to the person must be receiving any disability benefit or state pension. There is also an income criteria that claimants need to follow. 

How to apply for the carer allowance?

Claimants can apply through the official portal of the government or via post. 

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